Using TypeScript
- Typescript is used in
files. npm install -g typescript
- Compile files with
tsc myfile.ts
is a library which you can use to compile and watch files live: TSNode
General Principles
- Bias towards more loosely typed inputs (for flexibility), and tightly typed outputs (for predictibility).
Primitive Types
- primitives:
- primitive types in JavaScript, from
- typeless type. Assigned to variables that could be anything.void
- type for function returns for functions that don't return anything.unknown
tells the compiler that we don't know what it is. You can't reassign a type with unknown but you can with anything. You cannot access any functions or properties on an unknown variable but you can on anany
.- Types can be used to make sure a value is one of a certain group:
type Fruits = 'apple' | 'banana' | 'orange' | 'grape'
Collection Types
- array - add [] to a primitive or interface. example:
- array of strings.
- tuple - array with a fixed set of known types
let teamScore = [string, number]
Object Types
- Used to declare interfaces for objects.
interface Sportsball {
HomeTeam: string,
AwayTeam: string,
HomeScore: number,
AwayScore: number
You can also add readonly
to a property to make it immutable. #immutability:
interface Sportsball {
readonly HomeTeam: string,
readonly AwayTeam: string,
HomeScore: number,
AwayScore: number
- declare enums with the enum type, a way to declare numberic variables. note that in the below example, Baseball would be 2, Basketball 3, etc.:
enum SportsTypes { Football = 1, Baseball, Basketball, Hockey }
Unions are an alternative to Enums. Examples of unions:
type SportsType = 'Football' | 'Baseball' | 'Basketball' | 'Hockey'
- function argument annotations
function calculateWinnings(amount:number, price:number)
- function return annotations -
function calculateWinnings(amount:number, price:number):number
- Can you
to make fields optional.
Type Assertions
- you can use these to assert that a variable is a certain type, even though these are often seen as a code smell:
- const result = myApiRequest() as ApiResult
- A better approach would be user-defined Type Guards:
function isFish(pet: Fish | Bird): pet is Fish { return (pet as Fish).swim !== undefined; }
- TypeScript recognized primitive
operators as type guards.
- Generics allow you to capture a type and re-use it later in the definition. For example, this function could take any and return any, so it could in theory take a string and return a number:
const identity(arg: any): any => arg
- However in this version, the type of the arg and the return value must match:
const identity<Type>(arg: Type): Type => arg
- Type can be anything, so long as you are consistent in your function definitions
- Generics can be used to create Generic interfaces or Generic classes
interface GenericSportsBall<TeamType, ScoreType> {
HomeTeam: TeamType,
AwayTeam: AwayType,
HomeScore: ScoreType,
AwayScore: ScoreType
- You can also use Generics that extend existing types to ensure certain functionality:
interface GenericSportsBall<TeamType extends String, ScoreType extends Number> {}
- Another more complex example, using Generics to ensure that a function takes an argument with two generic types, and returns a value with the same generic types:
const mergeMaps =
(m1: Map<KeyType, ValType>,
m2: Map<KeyType, ValType>
): Map<KeyType, ValType => ...
- declare: declare is used to tell the compiler "this thing (usually a variable) exists already, and therefore can be referenced by other code, also there is no need to compile this statement into any JavaScript". Purpose of declare keyword in TypeScript
- readonly: makes properties read only. Can be applied to properties or function arguments
Utility Types
- Documentation:
- Several Types used to facilitate type transformations.
- tsconfig schema
- Found in a create-react-app with typescript.
- Tells the TypeScript compiler how to handle the project; which files or folders to treat as typescript, along with certain options.
- You can use the extends option to extend existing configurations from
.d.ts files
- convention to store types in a single file.
TypeScript x React
TypeScript x JSON
- You can use variable declaration to more strictly type with explicit declarations
interface MyObj {
myString: string;
myNumber: number;
let obj: MyObj = JSON.parse('{ "myString": "string", "myNumber": 4 }');
- To import a JSON file, you can add the following to your
"compilerOptions": {
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"esModuleInterop": true