Glenn Stovall's Public Notebook


programming language used to write smart contracts.


  • uint - unsigned int
  • boolean
  • address - refers to an address of a wallet. have their own functions, like 'transfer'.
  • struct - like defining an interface in TypeScript
  • bytes32 - string up to 32 characters

Access modifiers

  • public - like any other OOP language
  • payable - states than an address can receive tokens(?)

Structure of a smart contract

Include the license information and solidity version at the top of the file. Example:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

declare contracts like this:

contract MyContract {


Contracts can contain

  • variable declarations
  • a constructor
  • functions
  • events
  • errors

Developing on The Blockchain

  • Hardhat - used for setting up a Solidity development environment.
  • Truffle - another development environment
  • Remix IDE - Online IDE
