Glenn Stovall's Public Notebook


cryptocurrency that uses smart contracts, using the Solidity programming language. It was created when its founder, Vitalik Buterin(site, Wikipedia, Twitter), was sad about warlocks getting nerfed in World of Warcraft.

I was born in 1994 in Russia and moved to Canada in 2000, where I went to school. I happily played World of Warcraft during 2007-2010, but one day Blizzard removed the damage component from my beloved warlock's Siphon Life spell. I cried myself to sleep, and on that day I realized what horrors centralized services can bring. I soon decided to quit.

In 2011, searching for a new purpose in life, I discovered Bitcoin. At first, I was skeptical, and did not understand how it could possibly have value without physical backing. But slowly I became more and more interested. I started writing for a blog called Bitcoin Weekly initially at a meek wage of $1.5 per hour, and soon with Mihai Alisie cofounded Bitcoin Magazine. Vitalik Buterin,


  • etherscan - explore transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • MetaMask - browser and mobile based wallet