Colophon (333)
A collection of links from this notebook
$3 million dollars on a website project and still fail - The Stakeholder's Guide to Working with Developers
/r/churning - Personal Finance
/r/thetagang wiki - Options Trading
11ty template shortcodes - Tufte Integration
16x9 - Design Resources
30x500 - Product Design Principles
4 kinds of documentation AKA The Documentation System - Evergreen Links
4 Types of Documentation - Documentation
401k loan - 401k Valuation
@palm_beach_m on Twitter - Personal Finance
\Writing Tips From Amazon: - Writing Rules
A big little idea called legibility - Legibility
a free course from Google on Udacity - Accessibility
A web for everyone book - Accessibility
A11ycasts - Accessibility
Absolute Success is Luck, Relative success is skill - James Clear - Luck
Accessibility Inspector - Accessibility
Accessibility on Frontend Masters - Accessibility
Actions Produces Information - Common Cog - Prolific Creation
After The Future - Indie Mindset
AlexJS - Writing Rules
An Expert Called Lindy - Lindy
An Expertise Acceleration Experiment in Judo, CommonCog - Deliberate Practice
Andy Matushack's notebook - Note Style Guide
Andy's Matuschak's Working Notes - Digital Garden
ARIA Practices - Accessibility
Art & Fear: Observations On the Perils(and Rewards) of Artmaking - Quality of Pots vs. Quantity of Pots
Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style - Writing Book Recommendations
Article: Workshops as Portals - Workshops
Basic Concepts - Lindy - Lindy
Bobby Tables - A guide to preventing SQL Injection - Security
Book: Shape Up - Workshops
Borderland Gun Collector's Club - Game Design
broken links - Evergreen Notes
Calculus of Grit - Ribbonfarm - Prolific Creation
Characteristics of useful comments (study) - Effective Code Review Practices
Coinbase - Developers Undervalue Ease-of-Use
Command + K bars - Product Design Principles
CommonCog's Peak book summary - Deliberate Practice
crazy side projects - Prolific Creation
Crowdstreet - Real Estate Investing
CSS utility classes and separation of concerns - Evergreen Links
Cultivating expertise by writing daily w/ Philip Morgan - Prolific Creation
Customer Markdown components in 11ty - Tufte Integration
CXL research studies - Design Resources
CXL research studies - Using Data Effectively
dangerouslySetInnerHTML - Security
Data Viz Color Picker - Design Resources
Deploys are the wrong way to change user experience - Links for Junior Devs
- - Other Writing
Devanooga - Prolific Creation
Developer Hegemony - Above the Code
Developer Hegemony - Above the Code
Developer Hegemony - Organizational Literacy
Diabetes - Lindy
Directory of Digital Gardens - Digital Garden
DIY framework - Consulting
Diátaxis: A systematic approach to technical documentation authoring. - Engineering Management Reading
do 100 thing - Visakanv - Prolific Creation
Don't Call Yourself a Programmer - Above the Code
Don't End The Week With Nothing - Patrick MacKenzie - Learn in Public
Don't End The Week With Nothing - Patrick Mackenzie - Prolific Creation
Don't end the week with nothing - Evergreen Links
DRMacIver's Notebook - Digital Garden
Dropbox - Developers Undervalue Ease-of-Use
Dwight Schrute, Assistant to the regional manager - Token Economy
Edward Tufte Books - Tufte Integration
Effectual Reasoning: The Little Known Method Entrepreneurs Use to Figure Out What They Want - Taylor Pearson - Effectual Reasoning
Ego Depletion - Wikipedia - Discipline
Eleventy Garden - Digital Garden
Entrepreneur's Guide to Keeping Your Shit Together - Retreat Reflection
Erik Dietrich - Post Senior Dev Fork
etherscan - Ethereum
everything is a remix - Digital Garden
Fearsetting - Thought Exercises
Figma for beginners series - Figma as a Strategic Thinking Tool
flowchart link - Evergreen Links
Foam - Digital Garden
Foamy-NextJS - Digital Garden
Foreign Objects - Squads
Free course from Microsoft: Accessibility Fundamentals - Accessibility
free online - Engineering Management Reading
free online - Engineering Management Reading
From the season summary - Prolific Creation
Frontend Masters: JavaScript Accessibility - Accessibility
Fuck you, pay me - Evergreen Links
fugal - Tempo
Fundrise - Real Estate Investing
Gallery of Easing curves - Css Animation
Games People Play - Eric Berne - Friendliness Reading List
games people play - McLeod Hierarchy
George R. R. Martin - Writing
Github Awesome Code Reviews - Effective Code Review Practices
- - Real Estate Investing
growing as a senior engineer - Post Senior Dev Fork
Half-Assing it with Everything You Got - Evergreen Links
Halstead Complexity Measures - Complexity
How i won the lottery (tiny subversions) (video) - Evergreen Links
How to build a personal monopoly by writing online - Write of Passage Reconstruction
How to do Nothing (Kindle link) - Discipline
How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy - Freemium Leisure
How to Improve Conversions With Activation & Intensification - Other Writing
How to read a research paper quickly & effectively - Research
How to Take Smart Notes - Why Write
How to Win Friends And Influence People - Dale Carnegie - Friendliness Reading List
Hundreds of Ways to Get S#!+ Done—and We Still Don’t - Wired - Zeigarnik Effect
I'm Ok You're Ok - Thomas A Harris - Friendliness Reading List
images of organization - McLeod Hierarchy
Images of Organization - Organizational Literacy
Imgur - Developers Undervalue Ease-of-Use
Impro: Improvisation and the Theatre - Keith Johnstone - Friendliness Reading List
Inclusive components - Accessibility
Inclusive Design Patterns book - Accessibility
Independent Scholar's Handbook - Research
Is this you? No really, is this you? - Evergreen Links
Itamar - Prolific Creation
i’m ok you’re ok - McLeod Hierarchy
Jason Reznick - Positioning
Jeff Atwood's Blog - Quality of Pots vs. Quantity of Pots
Jekyll Digital Garden Template - Digital Garden
Joining Hypergrowth Startups - Career Strategy
Joining hypergrowth startups - Evergreen Links
Julian Shapiro - Writing
Just Enough Research - Organizational Research
Just Enough Research - Research
Just Enough Research - Research
Keeping Up with the Quants - Using Data Effectively
Ladders of Wealth Creation - Evergreen Links
Ladders of Wealth Creation - Thought Exercises
Laugh, Kookaburra - Four Burners Theory
Learn in Public - Swyx - Learn in Public
learning to exercise agency - Note Style Guide
- - Real Estate Investing
Letter to a Young Songwriter - Visakanv - Prolific Creation
link - Note Style Guide
Link - Developer to Consultant
link - Evergreen Memes
LinkedIn's Alternate Universe - Evergreen Links
List of Animatable CSS Properties - Css Animation
list of REIT ticker symbols - Real Estate Investing
List on animation properties - Css Animation
Maggie Appleton - A brief history and ethos of the digital garden - Digital Garden
Maggie Appleton - The Garden - Digital Garden
Making the clackity noise - Evergreen Links
Management Time: Who's got the monkey? - Evergreen Links
Management Time: Who’s Got the Monkey? - Engineering Management Reading
Marilyn Cole - Post Senior Dev Fork
Marketing yourself & your products by learning in public w/ Shawn Wang - Prolific Creation
Marketing Yourself Without Being a Celebrity - Personal Brand
Medium - Other Writing
- - Digital Garden
Mercury - Developers Undervalue Ease-of-Use
MetaMask - Ethereum
MIT Open Courseware - Introduction to statistics and probability - Using Data Effectively
Moonway - Developer to Consultant
Nassim Taleb - Lindy
Navigating Power & Status - Organizational Literacy
Neilsen group - Design Resources
Neilsen group - Using Data Effectively
Neilsen usability heuristics - Product Design Principles
- - Personal Finance
Ness Labs - Getting Started With TiddlyWiki: A beginner's Tutorial - Digital Garden
Neurodiversity Design System - Design Resources
Neurodiversity design: list of the UX Laws - Design Resources
Neurodiversity design - Design Resources
Neuron - Digital Garden
Never split the difference - Discipline
New Software product questions - Workshops
No Class CSS Frameworks - Design Resources
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships 1. Marshall B. Rosenberg, Deepak Chopra - Friendliness Reading List
Not Even Wrong - Bullshit
On Bullshit - Bullshit
On Self-Respect: Joan Didion’s 1961 Essay from the Pages of Vogue - Discipline
On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction - Writing Book Recommendations
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King - Writing Book Recommendations
one page design documents - Figma as a Strategic Thinking Tool
optimizers vs satisficers - Choosing Cultivates Contentment
original HN link - Developers Undervalue Ease-of-Use
other - Squads
Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise - Deliberate Practice
Personal Branding for Chaotic People - Personal Brand
Philip Morgan - Expertise
Philip Morgan - Prolific Creation
Photopea - Design Resources
POP Writing - POP Writing
possible sequences - Crossfit for Writing
Production Ready - positioning yourself as a specialist w/ Austin Church - Positioning
Production Ready - Quality of Pots vs. Quantity of Pots
Prompt exploration database - Midjourney Prompts
Prompt-engineering vs. Blind prompting - Prompt Engineering
- - Real Estate Investing
public notes about note-taking - Evergreen Notes
Quarantine Work is Not Remote Work - Remote Work
r/personalfinance prime directive - Evergreen Links
Radical Candor - Kim Scott - Friendliness Reading List
randori - Deliberate Practice
Recommended Net Worth Allocation Mix by Age and Work Experience - Financial Samurai - Asset Allocation
Reducing Redux boilerplate with Redux-Leaves - Other Writing
Ribbonfarm is retiring - Digital Garden
Rietta - Developer to Consultant
Roam - Capture vs Retrieval
Robinhood - Developers Undervalue Ease-of-Use
Rollover IRA - 401k Valuation
Rubato - Tempo
Running on Empty No More - Jonice Webb - Friendliness Reading List
Running On Empty - Friendliness Reading List
Sarah Constantin Public Roam - Digital Garden
Seeing Like a State - Legibility
Sendgrid - The Stakeholder's Guide to Working with Developers
Seth Godin - Personal Finance
Shape Up - Shaping
Shawn Wang - Prolific Creation
Shippers Only - Squads
Shipping dozens of websites w/ Ryan Maynard - Prolific Creation
Shopify - Developers Undervalue Ease-of-Use
site - Ethereum
Skrollr - Css Animation
So you wanna de-bog yourself - Evergreen Links
Soft Surplus - Squads
Source - Cult of Done Manifesto
Source - Developer to Consultant
source - Evergreen Memes
Squad Wealth - Squads
Squarespace - The Stakeholder's Guide to Working with Developers
State Transition - Writing as Social Practice
Steven Pressfield - The Amateur and the Professional
Stop Glossing Over the Good Stuff: How to Be More Positive - Evergreen Links
Story of how an article & talk directly led to client work. - Why Write
Storyworthy - Humor
Stretto - Tempo
Summary: The Intelligent Asset Allocator - Asset Allocation
Surfing the Edge of Chaos - Working Identities
Surfing the Edge of Chaos - Action Produces Information
Swizec Teller - Post Senior Dev Fork
Swyx note on friendcatchers - Writing as Social Practice
Swyx - Learn in Public
Tech brain - Evergreen Links
Tempo - Writing
That's Interesting - Species of Interesting Ideas
The Art of Gig - Consulting
The Associated Press Stylebook - Writing Book Recommendations
The Building Blocks of Business - Other Writing
The CTO’s Hidden Notebook - Engineering Management Reading
The drunkard's walk: How randomness rules our lives - Using Data Effectively
The Elements of Style - Writing Book Recommendations
The Four Burners - Four Burners Theory
The Four Pillars of Investing - Asset Allocation
The Gervais Principle - Evergreen Links
The Gervais Principle - Organizational Literacy
The Great Online Game - The Great Internet Game
The Lindy Newsletter - Lindy
the more we feel behind - Choosing Cultivates Contentment
The Mythical Man-Month - Adages
The Noun Project - Design Resources
the organization man - McLeod Hierarchy
The Organization Man - Organizational Literacy
The Pleasures of Probability - Using Data Effectively
the redemptive self - McLeod Hierarchy
the science - Expertise
The Seasons of a Man's Life - Working Identities
The Secret Skills of Productive Programmers w/ Itamar Turner-Truaring - Prolific Creation
The step-by-step guide to go from Novice to Expert in Any Skill - Nat Eliason - Expertise
the thing about burnout - Burnout
The Uncertainty Mindset - Working Identities
The Update, The Vent, and The Disaster - Engineering Management Reading
The visual revolution in knowledge work - Figma as a Strategic Thinking Tool
The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles - Resistance
The War of Art - Writing Book Recommendations
The wrong abstraction - Evergreen Links
The wrong abstraction - Links for Junior Devs
The Year Without Pants - Prolific Creation
Thinking in Public - Tom Critchlow - Learn in Public
this article - Note Style Guide
this comment on Reddit - Developer to Consultant
This sentence has five words - Writing Book Recommendations
Thread Link - Developer to Consultant
Thread on relearning discipline after brain trauma - Maria Goldberg - Discipline
Tom Critchlow - Building a Digital Garden - Digital Garden
Tom Critchlow - Thread of Digital Garden Ideas - Digital Garden
Tom Critchlow on learning in public - Writing as Social Practice
Tom Critchlow on Riffs, not essays - Writing as Social Practice
Tom Critchlow Wikifolder - Digital Garden
Tom Critchlow - Developer to Consultant
Tom Critchlow - Prolific Creation
Tool for drawing cubic-bezier curves in browser - Css Animation
Trading Options Greeks - Options Trading
Tufte CSS - Tufte Integration
Tufte.css on Github - Tufte Integration
TufteCSS - Digital Garden
Turn GIF to Sprite Sheet - Css Animation
Turning Pro - The Amateur and the Professional
Twitter Thread of examples - Why Write
Twitter - Ethereum
Uncertainty Mindset - Book - Uncertainty Mindset
Uncertainty Mindset - Substack - Uncertainty Mindset
Unlearning toxic code review behaviors - Effective Code Review Practices
Unsplash - Design Resources
Visa's Memex - Figma as a Strategic Thinking Tool
Visakanv's Open Roam Database - Digital Garden
Visakanv - Prolific Creation
Vitalik Buterin, - Ethereum
WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices - Accessibility
WCAG20 - Accessibility
Wealthfront - Developers Undervalue Ease-of-Use
What Color is Your Parachute? - Working Identities
What do you Say After You Say Hello? - Eric Berne - Friendliness Reading List
what do you say after you say hello - McLeod Hierarchy
What Every Entrepreneur Needs to Understand About Risk - Risk
when action beats prediction - Effectual Reasoning vs. Causal Reasoning
When it makes sense to use Redux - Article Ideas
Why blacksmiths are better at startups than you - Evergreen Links
Why I Write - James Clear - Why Write
Wikipedia Entry - Token Economy
Wikipedia Link - Storytelling
Wikipedia - Ethereum
working for yourself - Indie Mindset
Working Identity: Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career - Working Identities
Writing Publicly - Philip Morgan - Expertise
X Thread about the process - Crossfit for Writing
X - Adages
XIX Collective - Squads
XXIIVV wiki - Digital Garden
Yak Collective Roam Database - Squads
Yak Collective Roam - Digital Garden
Yak Collective - Developer to Consultant
Yak Collective - Squads
You are not your Job Title - Indie Mindset
You are not your job title - Links for Junior Devs
You blow my mind hey Mickey! - Evergreen Links
Youtube - Evergreen Memes